We have listed our entire rule set below for all three of our events and you can download the rules too.







1.1. The Tactical Nation competition are rules currently being assessed by Natshoot with the hope to be approved shortly.

1.2. All firearms to be used by the athletes must be licenced and athletes must ensure they have their firearms licence at ALL TIMES.

1.3. ALL athletes who want to rent a firearm MUST provide a valid SAPS competency certificate for both handgun and carbine (semi-automatic rifle).

1.4. Athletes must adhere to all rules of the venue and obey the instructions of all Tactical Nation staff, volunteers and venue management.



2.1. It is the athlete’s responsibility to read and understand the all rules sets of the TTN and all athlete’s agree that the payment of their entry represent that they accept the rules and are to be subject to these rules while competing at TTN.

2.2. It is the athlete’s responsibility:

2.2.1. to be present at the daily safety briefs.

2.2.2. to read and understand the Written Stage Briefing

2.2.3. to read and understand the Safety Rules.

2.2.4. to be present for the morning stage briefs.

2.2.5. to understand and obey any and all special conditions or requirements stipulated in aforementioned briefs.

2.3. If there is a conflict in the documentation the following order of precedence shall be used:

2.3.1. The written stage brief supersedes ALL official rules.

2.3.2. The morning safety briefing supersedes the Written Stage Brief.

2.3.3. The Verbal Stage Brief supersedes the Written Stage Brief.

2.4. Ballistic rated eye protection is compulsory for all athletes, spectators, & officials at the event site.

2.5. Ear protection is mandatory for athlete’s, spectators, & officials while on or near a stage.


2.6.1. Athlete’s, staff, visitors and / or spectators suspected to be impaired because of legitimate prescription drugs may be directed to stop shooting and to leave the range.

2.6.2. Athlete’s, staff, visitors and / or spectators suspected to be impaired or under the influence of alcohol and / or any banned substance, non-prescription drugs and/or marijuana will be removed from the event and be subject to a ban from futures events.

2.7. Athlete’s must obey venue specific rules. Violation will result in being ejected from the property and we will register a DNF (Did Not Finish) score for the remainder of the match. No refunds will be given.

2.8. Match officials may take the decision to remove stages from the competition due to factors such as weather or other reasonable incident. This will be to ensure the competition is completed.

2.9. In extreme circumstances, if the competition cannot be completed, match officials reserve the right to end the competition and distribute the prizes via a random draw instead of order of finish.

2.10. Any rule not explicitly covered by this document or in any of the briefings will be resolved with a ruling by the Match Director (MD). All Rulings by the MD or his designee will be final and will serve as a precedent for the duration of the event.

2.11. The Prizes for divisions will be distributed as follows:

2.11.1. Prizes will only be awarded to first place in a division with 3-5 competitors.

2.11.2. Prizes will only be awarded to first and second place in a division with 6-8 competitors.

2.11.3. Prizes will be awarded to first through third place in divisions with 9 or more competitors.



3.1. The Tactical Nation will withdraw all prizes, awards, trophies and recognition from an athlete if it is determined that they cheated, used unauthorised equipment, used an advantage not allowed under the rules or in the spirit of the Tactical Nation or acted in an unethical way that affected negatively on the Tactical Nation events, staff, athletes, venues, partners and spectators.

3.2. Athlete’s, Event staff, volunteers and spectators are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and sportsmanlike manner at all times. Any person who violates this rule may be ejected from the event site at the MD’s discretion.

3.3. Athlete’s may be subject to event disqualification for safety or conduct violations.

3.4. Disqualification will result in complete disqualification from the event, the competitor will not be allowed to continue nor be eligible for prizes and will not receive a refund.

3.5. Clothing with any offensive or obscene logos, sayings, pictures, or drawings must not be worn or displayed while at the event site.

3.5.1. Athlete’s must compete in clothing that is appropriate range clothing and fit for purpose and that provide reasonably adequate protection against minor injury such as scrapes, abrasions, hot brass, or due to any physical activity.

3.5.2. If your clothing is determined to be inadequate for protecting the athlete’s skin, the athlete will be asked to change their clothing to cover their skin appropriately for the stage.



4.1. A competitor WILL BE disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct and ejected from the arena.

Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct include, but are not limited to:

4.1.1. Intentionally altering a target prior to the target being scored to gain advantage or avoid a penalty

4.1.2. Altering or falsifying score sheets

4.1.3. Altering the configuration of firearms or equipment without permission of the MD

4.1.4. Threatening or assaulting other athlete’s, spectators, volunteers or Event Officials.

4.1.5. Disruptive behaviour likely to disturb or distract other competitors while they are shooting

4.1.6. Willful disregard of Event Official instructions

4.2. The final decision on all disqualifications will be made by the MD.


4.3.1. The following are examples of unacceptable behaviour by athlete’s or family members of competitors, friends and associates and any proxies they may use in certain instances:

4.3.2. Heated public disagreements with TTN officials, other ATHLETES, fans and volunteers during an event.

4.3.3. Public attacks through media, including social media, upon the integrity of the TTN, match officials, volunteers and fellow athletes.

4.3.4. Publicly questioning or criticising a tournament official or official decision, ruling or penalty except through the proper channels.

4.3.5. Offensive or slanderous comments regarding TTN officials, athlete’s, spectators or fellow anglers.

4.3.6. ANY offensive or slanderous comments with racial, cultural or sexual overtones against ANY person at an event will be cause for IMMEDIATE disqualification. An investigation will be held AFTER the event. NO EXCEPTION.



5.1. If an athlete wishes to arbitrate or dispute a score (time finished, number of hits/misses, or any other item) they must notify the scorekeeper and request to arbitrate. The following process will be followed:

5.1.1. The judge will provide paper for the athlete to record their name, email address, the date and time, and specifics about what they are arbitrating. The ATHLETE must then leave the scoring table.

5.1.2. The Range Official will notify the MD

5.1.3. The MD will review the dispute and make a final ruling

5.1.4. The Range Official will notify the athlete verbally and in writing via email of the decision.

5.1.5. Athlete’s will email the match director with any scoring related issues discovered after the event.

5.2. After completion of the competition on Sunday there will be a final arbitration period. This process is as follows:

5.2.1. Final calculations of the scores will be posted.

5.2.2. The MD will announce the arbitration period start, this period will be left open for 15 minutes unless the arbitrations under review require more time, if so, the period will last until all issues have been addressed.

5.2.3. After the arbitration period is complete the final scores will be posted. No further review of scores will be entertained. No scores will be adjusted after this period.

5.2.4. After the event there will be a 7 days for any queries. After this period of time is complete no more requests will be accepted and all scores are FINAL.

5.2.5. After this time no further review of scores, videos, targets, etc will be had and the Scores will remain FINAL regardless of findings later on.

5.2.6. The only exception to this rule is a finding of cheating, at which point changes will be made.



6.1. All events will be run on cold ranges.

6.2. Competitors’ firearms will remain unloaded at the event site except under the direction and supervision of an Event Official.

6.3. Firearms may only be handled and/or displayed in a designated safe area.

6.4. Safety areas will be designated by event officials.

6.5. No firearm may be loaded in a safety area.

6.6. No ammunition (including dummy ammunition or snap caps) may be handled in a safety area.

6.7. Firearms may be transported to, from and between stages only in the following conditions:

6.7.1. Handguns must be unloaded, cased or holstered, de-cocked and with the magazine removed (Cleared).

6.7.2. Rifles must be unloaded, cased, secured muzzle up or muzzle down in a stable gun cart/caddy, or carried slung with the muzzle up or down. A chamber flag must be inserted, and detachable magazines removed. The use of high-visibility chamber flags is required at all matches.

6.8. A competitor who causes an unsafe discharge will be stopped by an Event Official as soon as possible and shall receive a MATCH Disqualification (DQ).

6.9. Examples of unsafe discharge include:

6.9.1. An accidental or negligent discharge that travels over a backstop, a berm, or in any other direction deemed by Event Officials to be unsafe. Note that a competitor who legitimately fires a shot at a target, which then travels in an unsafe direction, will not be disqualified.

6.9.2. The discharge of any firearm other than when it is pointed at a target will result in a match DQ. Exception – a shot that strikes the ground within 10 feet of the competitor due to a “squib”

6.9.3. A shot that occurs while loading, reloading, or unloading any firearm. Exception – a detonation which occurs while unloading a firearm is not considered an accidental discharge. A “detonation” is defined as the ignition of the primer of a round, other than by action of a firing pin, where the projectile or shot does not pass through the barrel (e.g. when a slide is being manually retracted, when a round is dropped etc.). Exception – A “slam fire” detonation caused by the firing pin traveling forward when the gun is on safe during “make ready” that does not travel over the berm or impacts in a safe place. If the gun can be repaired and demonstrated to be safe to match staff the competitor may continue with it.

6.9.4. A shot which occurs during remedial action in the case of a malfunction.

6.9.5. A shot which occurs while transferring a firearm between hands.

6.9.6. A shot which occurs during movement, except while engaging targets.

6.9.7. A competitor who performs an act of unsafe gun handling will be stopped by an Event Official as soon as possible and shall be disqualified. Examples of unsafe gun handling include: Dropping a loaded firearm at any time after the “Make Ready” command and before the “Range Is Clear” command. Dropping a cleared firearm will not result in a match DQ. A firearm is considered clear when the TTG clearing procedure has been completed. Use of any unsafe ammunition as defined will result in a MATCH DQ. Shooting of any barricade or prop made of wood on the firing line will result in a Procedural penalty per shot fired. This does not apply to wooden framed walls down range. Abandoning a firearm during a stage in any location other than a designated safe abandonment location (dump barrel for long guns and dump bucket orre-holster for pistol) as stipulated in the stage briefing will result in a MATCH DQ. This includes intentionally leaving a firearm to gain a competitive advantage. Firearms may be staged on designated tables when directed in the WSB at the start of the course of fire (COF) but can never be abandoned or grounded on a table or anywhere except a designated safe abandonment location. Firearms abandoned in an unsafe manner that results in a discharge will result in a MATCH DQ.

6.9.8. Firearms may only be abandoned in one of the following conditions: Loaded, safety catch fully engaged, muzzle pointed in the designated safe direction. Completely unloaded (no ammunition in the firearm), detachable magazine removed, muzzle pointed in the designated safe direction.

6.9.9. Unloading any firearm in an unsafe manner or discharging a firearm while not legitimately engaging a target will result in a MATCH DQ.

6.9.10. Allowing the muzzle of a firearm to break the 180-degree safety plane, designated safety plane, or prohibited muzzle safe direction as outlined in the stage briefing. (see also 2.5.11) will result in a MATCH DQ.

6.9.11. In the case of a competitor facing downrange, the muzzle of a loaded handgun may point slightly up range while drawing, so long as it does not point outside an imaginary circle of three (3) feet radius from the competitor’s feet.

6.9.12. Engaging a steel target in an unsafe manner, will result in a MATCH DQ, such as by: Engaging steel targets with handgun ammunition at a range of less than 5 Metres. Engaging steel targets with rifle ammunition at a range of less than 40 Metres.

6.9.13. Allowing the muzzle of a firearm to point at any part of the competitor’s body during a course of fire (i.e. sweeping) will result in a MATCH DQ. Exception – sweeping of the lower extremities (below the belt) while drawing a handgun, provided that the athlete’s fingers are clearly outside of the trigger guard.

6.9.14. Pointing a firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, in any direction deemed by Event Officials to be unsafe will result in a MATCH DQ.

6.9.15. Multiple infractions that would result in a STAGE DQ will result in a MATCH DQ.

6.10. Unless otherwise stipulated in the stage briefing, required firearms will begin the stage in the following ready conditions:

6.10.1. Handgun: Loaded to stage specifications and holstered. In the case of single action Autos or double-action autos with manual override safeties, the safety catch must be in the “safe” position. In the case of double-action autos, the hammer must be down/forward.

6.10.2. Rifle: Loaded to stage specifications and held in the low ready position. Safety catch must be in the “safe” position.

6.11. Athletes may not touch or hold any firearm-loading device or ammunition after the “Standby” command and before the “Start Signal” (except for unavoidable touching with the lower arms).

6.12. Firearms abandonment is considered to be no longer available for use in the stage. Returning to an abandoned firearm will result in a procedural penalty per shot fired with that weapon after retrieval.

6.13. At no point may the Athlete shoot a firearm while holding a second firearm in the other hand, violation will result in a Prohibited Action Penalty per shot fired.

6.14. Hot re-holstering of the pistol will be required during certain stages. It must be returned to the holster in a legal condition as follows:

6.14.1. Unloaded, if the competitor has shot the course of fire and is going to move between ranges.

6.14.2. If the pistol has a safety, it should be in the “safe” position. single-action autos or double-action autos with manual override safeties, the safety catch must be in the “safe” position. In the case of double-action autos & revolvers, without safeties, the hammer must be down/forward.



7.1. All equipment must start and finish in the same condition. Altering equipment to gain a competitive advantage is prohibited and will result in a DQ.

7.2. Plate Carriers

7.2.1. Women’s Plate Carriers must weigh 5.4kg+, and Men’s Plate Carriers must weigh 6.8kg+.

7.2.2. Weight of the carrier is measured with NO magazine pouches, attachments, hydration bladders, etc. The plate carrier must be empty and clear.

7.3. Magazine Retention:

7.3.1. Magazine retention can be reconfigured during a match but the style of retention cannot be altered to gain a competitive advantage.

7.4. Ammunition

7.4.1. Handgun ammunition shall be 9mm Parabellum (9x19mm NATO) or larger, unless otherwise stipulated under equipment division rules. Pistol ammunition must meet or exceed 125 power-factor.

7.4.2. Rifle ammunition shall be .223 Remington (5.56x45mm NATO) or larger, maximum 3200fps

7.4.3. Ammunition containing tracer, incendiary, armour piercing, steel jacketed or steel/tungsten/penetrator core projectiles is unsafe and prohibited.

7.4.4. No bi-metal ammunition is permitted. Bi-metal is the less expensive Full Metal Jacket made with a lead center, steel jacket, and a copper wash making it appear like the standard lead/copper full metal jacket accepted at most ranges.

7.4.5. Athlete’s will be financially responsible for replacing targets damaged by prohibited ammunition.

7.4.6. Magnets may be used to inspect ammo at any time while on the venue property.

7.4.7. Athletes found in violation of possessing/using ammo prohibited will receive a Match DQ and will not receive a refund.

7.4.8. Do not bring prohibited ammo to the event.

7.4.9. A chronograph may be used by Event Officials to verify compliance. Athlete’s may be selected for testing on any basis approved by the Match Director. The chronograph procedure is as follows: Chronograph will be placed 10 yards from the muzzle of the firearm Event staff will load and shoot the firearm over the chronograph 5 rounds will be fired, and the average velocity will be used to determine the power factor. Handgun power factor requirements are 125PF for 9mm,

(Bullet Weight in Grains X Speed in FPS)/1000= Power Factor I.e. (115gr X 1087FPS)/1000= 125.005 PF

7.5. Firearms:

7.5.1. All firearms used by athlete’s must be serviceable and safe. Event Officials may inspect an athlete’s firearms at any time to check they are functioning safely. If any firearm is declared unserviceable or unsafe by an Event Official, it must be withdrawn from the event until it is repaired to the satisfaction of the Range Master.

7.5.2. Firearms must be of a factory configuration.

7.5.3. Prototype firearms are specifically prohibited. Internal and External modifications are allowed, provided the modifications do not alter the original function and operation of the firearm.

7.5.4. Firearms may be semi-automatic only.

7.5.5. No factory safeties may be disabled on rifle/pistol. This includes the firing pin block, grip safety, and trigger safety.

7.5.6. Athlete’s must use the same firearms (handgun, and Rifle) for the entire event, including the optic which is mounted on that firearm when it is initially inspected prior to the event.

7.5.7. Athlete’s generally may not reconfigure any firearm during the event. Explicitly prohibited acts include changing calibre, barrel length, sighting systems and/or stock style.

7.5.8. Lasers cannot be used unless specifically allowed in stage, prior notice to the event will be given if night time shooting will be required.

7.5.9. Catastrophic Malfunctions: If an athlete’s firearm becomes unserviceable, that athlete may repair their firearm with directly equivalent replacement parts. If replacement parts result in a significant change to the firearm configuration, then the repair must be approved by the Match Director. This can be done during the course of a stage, however the entire situation will be put under review immediately following the stage. Any penalties or time added will be done by the MD and the decision will be final. If an athlete’s firearm becomes unserviceable, that participant may replace their firearm with another firearm. This can be done during a course of fire, however no competitive advantage should be gained and the entire situation will go under review with the MD immediately after the completion of the stage. If time or penalties are added the decision will be made by the MD and will be final. If it is discovered that an athlete was attempting to gain a competitive advantage the situation will result in a MATCH DQ. If an athlete’s firearm becomes unserviceable and no replacement parts or gun is implemented, the athlete will receive a missed shot penalty as well as a 5 second penalty for every shot not taken in addition to the misses counted on paper. If points are being used, a point per shot not taken will be removed from the score, as well as an additional point per shot not scored on paper.

7.5.10. Handgun: Only ONE slide mounted optic may be used. Applicable to all divisions. Handgun holsters must be a practical/tactical carry style and must safely retain the handgun during vigorous movement and must completely cover the trigger. Holsters must be secured to the maximum level of retention offered at the start of each stage. Shoulder holsters and cross-draw holsters are prohibited. Belly bags or “fanny packs” are prohibited as they do not adequately protect the trigger from being depressed while in the bags. Unless in the case of a catastrophic malfunction, a single holster must be used for the entirety of the match. Any changes to holsters must be approved by the MD. Magazines length may not exceed 170mm in the case of single column magazines and may not exceed 140mm in the case of staggered column magazines. Calibres Allowed: 9mm only.

7.5.11. Rifle: Only ONE optic may be mounted on an athlete’s rifle and cannot be changed for the duration of the event. There are no restrictions on the optic chosen Use of not more than one (1) set of backup irons is permitted but not required. ALL Supporting devices or stabilisers (bipods, etc.) are prohibited. Slings are a required piece of equipment. Slings must remain attached to rifles unless otherwise stated. Slings must remain on rifles for the entirety of the match.

7.12. A Birdcage muzzle device, three-pronged or four-pronged devices are permitted.

7.12.1. Suppressors are permitted but must stay on the weapon throughout the event.

7.12.2. Blast forward devices are approved.

7.12.3. All of the above devices must direct ALL gas in line with the barrel.

7.12.4. Any ports, holes, slots etc that let gas escape in any direction that is not directly in line and parallel to the barrel will NOT BE ALLOWED.

7.12.5. Compensators and Brakes that are not covered by a blast forward device outlined above ARE NOT ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

7.12.6. In the event the blast forward device is removed at any point during the event, without the express permission and under the direct supervision of the RO, the competitor will be immediately Disqualified.

7.12.7. This rule prevents a muzzle device from obstructing the view of the targets to the person to the left and right of you on the firing line, and is not about any advantage being gained by a compensator or brake.

7.12.8. Drum magazines are prohibited.

7.12.9. Coupled magazines are prohibited.

7.13. Hand Chalk: The use of hand chalk is prohibited



8.1. Missed shots will be assessed a 10 second penalty per missed shot unless otherwise noted in WSB or Verbal Stage Brief.

8.2. Paper targets will be used in various stages throughout the events. Athletes will be given a written stage brief and verbal walk through explaining the targets, their hit and miss areas, and whether or not there are any low percentage targets.

Rounds striking the “hit” zone will be counted as hits, and the rounds striking outside the “hit” zone will be counted as misses. If a “grease ring” of a round strike touches the “hit” zone line even the slightest bit, the round will be counted as a hit.

8.3. Steel Targets may be utilized. Steel targets will be counted as hit or miss. Penalty for misses is 10 seconds unless otherwise noted in WSB or Verbal Stage Brief.

8.4. Sometimes strike indicator lights will be used to assist the judges in determining whether a round fired was a hit or a miss. The judges will also be aware of failed strike indicator lights and will be watching for; splash on steel, dirt splash, listen for the sound, and watch for the strike indicator to illuminate. When a judge cannot discern whether or not a round fired was a hit or a miss, the benefit of the doubt will be given to the Athletes.

8.5. Bonus targets or stop plates may be used to terminate a course of fire. This is done to allow an Athlete to gain points if they are a capable marksman but struggle with the physical challenges.

8.6. All physical and shooting tasks must be performed with the stages original intent, any movements or shots taken outside of the stages intent or task standards are subject to penalties as the MD deems equitable.

8.7. If a task is being performed outside of the intent a judge will ask the Athlete to stop and return to the point where the movement became unacceptable and redo

the task. In the case a judge does not stop the task or is done outside of the view of the judge the RO or Stage Director and/or MD reserves the right to add a time penalty after completion. If you have questions regarding movement standards

ask the RO ahead of time, this can be done privately after the stage brief is completed if necessary.

8.8. A minimum work requirement will be set in order to score above a zero, if the minimum requirement is not met a “Did Not Finish” (DNF) will be issued for that

stage resulting in a score of zero. In ALL cases the competitor will be able to continue to compete in the competition after receiving a DNF (0) for a stage.



9.1. For poppers, other hinged targets, falling steel, or clay targets, the following options shall apply under Weather Rules with regard to re-shoots due to range equipment malfunction. If any targets are blown down, fall, or are otherwise defeated by weather related causes BEFORE the Range Officer (RO) has activated the start timer initiating the Course Of Fire (COF), the RO shall stop the Athlete, make the COF safe, remedy the target(s), and re-start the Athlete. If any targets are blown down, fall, or are otherwise defeated by weather related causes AFTER the RO has activated the start timer initiating the COF, the Athlete shall continue the course of fire, but MUST engage the head box of the target or it’s stand with the prescribed number of rounds with the correct firearm for that target

9.1.1. All hits on paper outside of the scoring area will be counted as misses against the total score for that stage.

9.1.2. Failure to engage the defeated steel or paper target will result in all applicable Failure To Engage (FTE) penalties.



10.1. ATHLETE judges and volunteers must correct a shooter if they are engaging an incorrect target but will not provide any other shooting coaching/instruction.

10.2. ATHLETE judges and volunteers can and should provide the competitors with information during the physical test portions such as rep count or time remaining.