New Athlete Guide: Firearm Safety and Clearance

New Athlete Guide: Firearm Safety and Clearance

Chamber Flags: Your Safety Indicator
When to Use Chamber Flags
Chamber flags are compulsory at all times when:
  1. Moving around the range
  2. Hustling between stages
  3. When entering the shooter’s square
  4. When leaving the arena after completing your course of fire and after the RO gives the All Clear command.

Safe Firearm Handling: A Complete Guide

Pre-Stage and During 

Rifle Procedure

  1. Set your rifle in the designated rifle box
  2. Wait for Range Officer (RO) instructions to remove the chamber flag
  3. Remove the chamber flag and place it in an accessible location
  4. Load and follow instructions of RO

After firing your last shot:

  1. Remove the magazine (feed source)
  2. Send the bolt forward
  3. Pull the trigger on an empty chamber
  4. Ground the rifle safely

Pistol / Handgun Handling Procedure

  1. Draw your pistol
  2. After firing your last shot:
  3. Remove the magazine
  4. Send the slide forward
  5. Pull the trigger on an empty chamber
  6. Holster the weapon

Final Steps Before proceeding to complete the stage - Applies to Both Firearms:

  1. Verbally announce “Clear”
  2. Wait for your athlete judge to acknowledge “Clear”
  3. Only then may you turn uprange and proceed with the rest of the stage or follow the below if the stage is complete.


After completing your course of fire, follow the above mentioned procedures to make your firearm safe and then proceed to these steps with your RO:

For Rifle:

  1. Show a clear chamber to the RO
  2. Insert the chamber flag

For Pistol / Handgun 

  1. Draw the pistol
  2. Show a clear chamber to the RO
  3. Send the slide forward
  4. Drop the hammer
  5. Holster the pistol

Only after clearing both weapon systems and being given the all clear by the RO are you permitted to exit the range.

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